Wednesday, October 5, 2011

two weeks later...

I'm back! Not that anyone reads this anyway.

For some reason I didn't get around to blogging last week, so this week it looks like I've been really productive. It's a nice illusion indeed, even if I didn't take many pictures to show it off.
 Shipwreck is well into the massive beaded border. Massive barely begins to describe it. Gargantuan, maybe? It doesn't look like much other than a tangled blob in the photo...I have another shawl I want to get to, but I won't let myself until this one is finished. Maybe. At least the stitch count doesn't increase until just before the bind off row.

Then there's the sewing front. A trip to Grandma's yesterday afternoon, and this is what we have:
Cape thingy for the small girl- grandma sewed on this for most of the afternoon- in between making us supper and getting the squirmy boy to sleep. Unfortunately, about half the time was spent in the 'pockets on, pockets off, pockets on again' operation. Whoops.

I worked on this darling little dress in between running after the small girl and, uh, similar motherly duties. Actually, I think I neglected motherly duties as far as possible...this dress has a deadline.

 My only complaint with it so far is that the fabric really resists being ironed. This will probably be a good thing, once the dress is finished, but it is a chore to press up seam allowances.

Today, though, much as I might love to sew, or knit, I have an idea that what needs to be done is the cleaning and baking!

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