Thursday, October 20, 2011

Well, we can dream...

Last week, I think I mentioned the potential of a progress report. We all see how beautifully that turned out (cough, cough.) But there's a good reason for it. Well...a reason. How good it is, you decide.

Grandma came as planned, and we sewed. Made nice progress, too, if I remember rightly. And then, she took all the sewing back with her, except the little dress, and the cape, which was sweet of her, because I probably would have gone crazy trying to finish everything up. (Although the sense of accomplishment would have been grand.)

In spite of the fact that only a couple projects were left, there's been enough happening around here to keep us all busy.  I only took pictures of the crafting front (they're coming!), but in other news, we've harvested almost everything out of the garden. It looks very bare and cold. Actually, scratch that. It doesn't look fruitful by any means, but since we're starting to build it up with railroad ties around the edges, and since we threw most of our leaves onto it, it's hardly bare, at least on the west end. But no growing things in the vegetable patch. This all means that I had tomatoes to deal with. Lots of them. So yesterday I spent about eight hours chopping, peeling, seeding, mixing and canning. We got salsa from the ripe tomatoes and green tomato relish from the green ones.

Not to mention, we've harvested our popcorn- an heirloom variety called 'Smoke Signals'. Look at all the variation in the kernel coloring. Love it! (Ok, so I guess there was a non-crafting picture.)

Now on to the crafting the week following Grandma's visit, there were...issues. Of epic proportions. Hey, it felt epic! I got to the bind-off row of the shipwreck. Actually, I started binding off about six rows early, because I was running out of yarn, and the border was huge already. And the yarn ran out about halfway around the 1,160 stitch border. Not to be bothered, too much, because I knew I was, under no circumstances, rip out even one row of that thing, I continued binding off the other stitches. There may be a technical way to describe this; basically, I stopped knitting new stitches to b.o. with- I just used the old ones...which left me with a single loop at the very end. Should have seen that one coming. At this point, I became a knitting heretic. I considered my options. Would I recant, and retract my last hours of labor? I would not! Mend my ways, using sewing thread? (Don't ask). In the end, I opted to cut the offending loop, tie it around a 'stable' stitch and knot it. And then I felt better. I finally blocked it last night, but have taken a finished object photo yet, so this is the unblocked version.

Then there was the dress...

...which I should have rotated before I added the picture. About the time the bind off problems were occurring, I also hit a roadblock with this lovely little item. While ironing up the hem, I scorched a hole in the fabric. I could have cried. Both of my projects, so near the end, were causing such troubles. Especially the dress. You can fudge on a bind off, but a hole...a little harder to fix. Providentially, I'd cut the dress a couple inches extra long. Admittedly I wanted it to be longer, but at least I was able to hem it up further without it becoming too short...So it's done. Finally. And with the wedding this weekend, I am much relieved.

And...grandma came again yesterday! And she brought the things she'd been working on! Another picture that should have been rotated...this time of the little man's vest, pants and bow-tie! Now he'll match his sister at the wedding. So nice to have this done. He'll wear a long sleeved white shirt underneath, and he'll be handsome. :)

And bloomers for the girl, who doesn't yet sit like a lady. They're rather frilly, aren't they? With little brown boots and cream colored tights...I think it will be lovely.  

We did little in the way of sewing while Grandma was here yesterday, but she did my dishes, while I took a nap (thank you! thank you!) and we got the storage room organized to the point where it doesn't seem hopeless any more. I love my Grandma. :)

I've also been working on the cape. First I thought I'd put lace on it, then opted to take it off, since it was, uh, difficult to put on straight, and getting it around the shoulder didn't look like fun. Not to mention, the clasp I had for it wasn't working with the lace. The details of it show up far better with the plain fabric.
     I have yet to sew it on, and there're one or two things left on it, but an hour or two should finish that up.  And then, I started a winter hat... 


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

More of the Same

Like it or not, it looks like little has happened on the crafty front this week. These appearances may or may not be deceiving, as the projects mentioned last time have hit that stage where it doesn't look like you're doing much, because, well, it's more of the same- (Shipwreck)- or time consuming necessities like zippers. Eight seams, just to be able to fasten a dress. Seriously. But the plan is for Grandma to come and sew tomorrow, so maybe on Friday there will be something more interesting to report!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

two weeks later...

I'm back! Not that anyone reads this anyway.

For some reason I didn't get around to blogging last week, so this week it looks like I've been really productive. It's a nice illusion indeed, even if I didn't take many pictures to show it off.
 Shipwreck is well into the massive beaded border. Massive barely begins to describe it. Gargantuan, maybe? It doesn't look like much other than a tangled blob in the photo...I have another shawl I want to get to, but I won't let myself until this one is finished. Maybe. At least the stitch count doesn't increase until just before the bind off row.

Then there's the sewing front. A trip to Grandma's yesterday afternoon, and this is what we have:
Cape thingy for the small girl- grandma sewed on this for most of the afternoon- in between making us supper and getting the squirmy boy to sleep. Unfortunately, about half the time was spent in the 'pockets on, pockets off, pockets on again' operation. Whoops.

I worked on this darling little dress in between running after the small girl and, uh, similar motherly duties. Actually, I think I neglected motherly duties as far as possible...this dress has a deadline.

 My only complaint with it so far is that the fabric really resists being ironed. This will probably be a good thing, once the dress is finished, but it is a chore to press up seam allowances.

Today, though, much as I might love to sew, or knit, I have an idea that what needs to be done is the cleaning and baking!