Wednesday, September 21, 2011

WIP Wednesday- Why Not?

Now that I've gained some confidence in my ability to take pictures and move them to the computer in a relatively short period of time, I decided to give the 'WIP Wednesday' idea a shot. There is actually very little happening in the way of projects here, at least compared to usual, but I do have a little something to show off: the beginnings of the Shipwreck Shawl from Knitty.

 This is where it was at last Wednesday- and then it got ripped out and started on larger needles, because it looked like I was no where close to getting gauge. (Ok, there was a tape measure involved, too). I've had enough experience one particular experience of knitting at a much smaller gauge on lace than recommended, and while the scarf turned out beautifully, it was a much larger time investment than I'd expected...and I don't want to be working this repetitive border forever just to get a large enough shawl.
 And here it is, approximately where it's at now, well into the Madeira pattern.
Beads are yet to be purchased, but hopefullly will be soon- the endless yo, knit 2 tog border wouldn't be the same without them.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Who'd Have Thought?

If you know me, I tend to be rather confoozled by technology. I take the longest way to do everything, and would rather not attempt too much of anything requiring power cords, memory chips, or the possibility of losing hours of labor by accidentally hitting the wrong combination of keys on the keyboard. But blog posts without pictures, at least, posts about knitting, tend to be rather boring, so I gathered up my courage, and pulled the memory card out of the camera and did with it what I saw my husband do with it a week or so ago, and what do you know- I found pictures! I'm a little too excited perhaps, but this means that instead of going back and posting about a project finished more than a year ago, I can show you what I've been doing recently. There's rather a lot of it, so we'll start with the most recent finished object, which was tied off last Thursday, and unpinned from blocking today.

 It's a doily- with tulips! My husband keeps giving me a hard time about this; it's a wedding gift, and he keeps claiming that I picked the tulip pattern because of my Dutch descent. I protest, but he's relentless. I guess it doesn't hurt if he believes that.
 I have no idea how many hours I put into this, but it did remind me of how I do like to crochet, though I've been a bit knit obsessed lately. I like how, in a circular doily, you do something different every row, yet can memorize the row's repeat in no time. I think having a deadline helps, too, otherwise all the picots in this pattern might have caused it to stall.
See- picots on the leaves, on the border, and on the netting between the tulips. Yuck. In spite of that, this pattern was fun. I'm tempted to make it again. Sometime. Maybe. Just because of the tulips.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

FO:Melon Shawl

It was suggested that someone in this household take it easy tonight. For some reason that suggestion comes around regularly. But it helps to hear it. So...I'm (trying) to figure this blogger thing out. I got further than last time- this time there are pictures. I'm still not sure how to put them where I want them, but maybe that will come.

Anyway, the object of this post has a bit of a story behind it. A short story, but still. A year, or two, or so, ago a very dear friend presented me with the book Victorian Lace Today by Jane Sowerby. It was one of her most brilliant ideas to date, and I decided I had to make her a shawl, which I in turn presented to her, and now, in digital form, to you.

 It's long, and blue, and beautifully drapey if I do say so myself.
I must admit though, that I didn't take the pictures...but I did ask for them to be taken, so I'm pretty sure copyright laws are not being infringed. :)

Details: Melon Shawl from VLT
Yarn: Knit Picks  Kettle Dyed laceweight (discontinued) in Altitude, almost 3 skeins
Needles: U.S. 7, Knit Picks Options
Mods: I knit the Cyprus border from the same book instead of the suggested border.